Monday, November 20, 2017

Allium Cepa, The Red Onion

First, let me say that I am not a homeopath, nor a medical doctor, nor a registered nurse. I am just a mom who has access to the work of others through books and the internet. I am just sharing information I have gleaned from those sources.

Allium cepa
Red Onion

This week’s homeopathic remedy is Allium cepa, the red onion. This seems appropriate for several reasons: it is next alphabetically among common remedies, it is cold season in much of the northern hemisphere, and many of us will be cutting up these little darlings this week for Thanksgiving, although I prefer the yellow onions. This is an easy remedy to understand since there are probably very few among us who have not experienced the effects of the non-potentized substance. Eyes and nose run, sneezing sometimes occurs, eyes burn, in short, it is no fun at all.

When I think of Allium cepa, I think of profuse nasal discharge that burns the nose and upper lip, burning eyes with bland tears flowing and sneezing. The nasal discharge burning and the tears not burning is a key here. If the opposite is true (bland nasal discharge and tears that burn the skin beneath the eyes) then look into Euphrasia.

If your child complains of the tissues being rough or his nostrils and upper lip are red, Allium may be indicated.

Many symptoms begin on the left side of the body and move to the right.

Better from moving and cold, open air

Worse from sitting, evening, and warm room

Useful for:
Allergies and hay-fever if the symptoms match the above.

Colds during cold, wet weather.

Nasal polyps, if symptoms match

Spasmodic, tickling coughs in autumn

Earaches with pain shooting up the Eustachian tube

Shooting pains after surgery

Sneezing, especially when entering a warm room

Cough especially when breathing cold air

Colds that begin with sneezing

Nose stuffed with just one nostril dripping

Traumatic neuralgia (phantom limb pain)
Colicky babies with abdominal pain

Headache mostly in forehead


Feels as if thread runs through head, face, neck, elsewhere. Threadlike pain in face

Light sensitivity

Sensation of glowing heat on different parts of the body

Sensation of weakness in bladder

Canine hunger

Burning pain in urethra

Sore, tired arms

Awakens at 2 a.m.

Information gleaned from Homeopathic Medicine for Children and Infants by Dana Ullman, Homeopathic Medicine at Home by M. Panos, Homeopathy for Mommies by Sue Meyer, Boericke’s Materia Medica.

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